Monday, September 18, 2006

God helps those who helps themselves

This conversation happened this morning and is pretty typical. We were both getting ready for work.

Her: (Doing her hair, cat is bugging her) Could you check to see if the cat has food and water?
Me: (Shaving) Sure!

Five minutes later...

Me: (getting dressed)
Her: (Still doing hair, cat still bugging her) HAVE YOU CHECKED ON THE CAT YET?!?!?
Me: No.
Her: (stomping off) UGH! I'LL JUST DO IT MYSELF.

She will frequently ask me to do these types of small tasks thinking it will save her time and energy. She does not realize, however, that I am usually doing something else and these things go to the bottom of my list. She is just too overwhelmed by everything she has to do (i.e. how can I do my hair AND feed the cat at the same time), that she sees no other choice than delegation. It bothers me because it is if she assumes her time is more valuable than mine (and the cat is hers).I am trying to teach her that the following would work much better.

Her: (Doing her hair, cat is bugging her) Hmm, I better go see if the cat needs food and water. He seems really anxious, and it will only take a minute.

As long as I am around to save her, though, it will never happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My mother does this to me. I usually have to just drop my shit and do it though because, well... she is my mother.