My wife and I both acknowledged when we had children that they would reach a point in their education where my wife would no longer be able help them with their homework. It would seem we have reached that point with our oldest child.
My wife is frequently baffled by his homework, and she must ask me whether he is doing it correctly, even while he is explaining it to her.
Our oldest child is in the second grade.
I think you just saved my marriage! Hahahahahaha...
Jesus, I swear I didn't know there was any other guy out there who suffered the 'idiot wife' syndrome as I do. At least I know I am not alone now. However, I would have to ask how the hell you stay married to someone you know down deep is a village idiot. To me, we have to feign respect. I certainly don't respect my wife (plus she cheated on me a few years back and I didn't have the nerve to leave her).
Anyway, I'm headed for divorce...and recommend you do the same thing. Idiot women deserve idiot or manipulative husbands. I've suffered with this one for 20 years, and have decided to take my life back.
Thanks for sharing.
fritzel67, the one main difference is that my wife is extremely devoted and has never, and would never, cheat on me. I am truly sorry to hear that your marriage is ending, but it sounds like you two will be better off apart.
Went through that 30 years ago. In 2nd and 3rd grade, my wife stopped being able to help our daughters with math, science, or much of anything else. Funny, NPR ran a silly program about how a few women are "marrying down" these depressed days. Men have been doing that for centuries and there seemed to be no other choice. The number of actually intelligent women is almost infinitesimal. Even the "educated" ones mostly get degrees in useless crap.
I'm opposite. What do you do with an idiot of a husband? Doesn't love and respect override idiocy?
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