Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Straight Poop

Just another typical day at the office...

Me: (type-type-type, click-click-click)
Cellphone: Ring!
Me: Hello.
Wife: Um, can you look something on the internet for me?

First off, she does this frequently, as the only website she knows how to access is Hotmail. As I've mentioned in earlier posts, I have given up trying to teach her to do it herself.

Me: (sigh) Sure. What do you want to know about?
Wife: Um, chronic diarrhea?

Somebody please shoot me.


*Tanyetta* said...


Anonymous said...

Imodium AD. Seriously. That stuff works wonders until you can get to a doctor.

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least she knows how to do Hotmail. Mine is a 15-yr medical professional and God knows when she typed anything on the PC's keyboard... I never go to her workplace but always wondered how she uses the computer(s) there... seriously. We've been married 13 years now. But a long time ago, about 5 months after our wedding, we had this big fight because I made "stupid" comments about her not knowing how to use (locate names) on the telephone book. Specifically about how I noticed that she didn't know that the phone book is alphabetical, etc... You are not alone.

Anonymous said...

One of the funniest entries in your blog to be sure.