Thursday, February 21, 2008

Suffering From Withdrawal

One of the greatest inventions of modern society is direct deposit. I have used this in just about every job I have had. For part-time jobs that didn't have it as an option, it was a huge annoyance to have to deposit my paycheck manually.

For my wife, it eats into her life.

My wife still works the odd babysitting job because she is convinced we need every extra penny possible. She is also convinced that she must go to a teller to deposit her checks. This causes no end of turmoil.

It's Friday. I'm just coming home from work.

"I have to run to the bank before they close!", she will blurt out.

"Why?", I'll ask. I know why.

"I have to deposit my checks!"

"So? Just deposit it at the ATM.", I reply.

"But I need some cash back!" She's getting nervous. The clock is ticking.

"So? Just withdraw some from your account at the same time.", I calmly reply.

"No! I can't do it that way. It's my OCD!", she admits. I don't know that she has ever been diagnosed with OCD. That is just what she calls this behavior.

This is what annoys me the most. She has occasional moments of clarity. She knows that she does things that don't make sense, but she refuses to address it most of the time.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like my sis-in-law from my first marriage. She was actually diagnosed with OCD, but it was such a great tool with which to manipulate her family that she wouldn't get it treated. Convenient, yea? ;)

Penguin Dude said...

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm not writing your blog while my sleep. ;^)

Anonymous said...

You have the patience of Job. A wife with such behavior would infuriate me, likely to the point of divorce.

idiotwife said...

"You have the patience of Job."

A little known secret is that I am a born-again Christian. Divorce is not an option, and I love her too much anyway.