Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Somebody Save Me!

I have mentioned before how quickly my wife can become overwhelmed by common stressful situations. This is her way of referring to it. A more truthful analysis is that her neurons are not firing quickly enough figure out the proper solution. Cooking is one example of this.

This really had my eyes rolling. Once, when my daughter was an infant, she became inconsolable. No matter what my wife did, she could not get her to stop crying. She simply couldn't take it any more and the anxiety was getting to her. So she did what she normally does in these situations: she came to me for help. Normally I expect this, but this time I couldn't believe her.

I had just finished mowing the grass in the middle of summer. I was hot, sweaty, grimy and covered with grass. She blocked all this out and brought my daughter outside so I could hold her. I explained to her how inane her request was. She got very ticked off, but mostly because she realized how much sense I was making and that she would have to continue dealing with our daughter.

I did go in, get cleaned up and rescue her from the screaming baby, though.


Anonymous said...

I thought for sure I would come here and see a lot of women/wife bashing and meaness. But I was pleasently surprised to see that it is mostly your typical spouse complaints. I'm sure at some point my hubby thinks I'm quite dense (I've actually done the cell phone thing and he is mortified that I'm not caught up on current affairs) but I know he loves me with all his heart.

anonymous jj

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you put the part about the computer stuff in there. That way I know I'm not your wife. :) Would you mind checking out my new site in the vein of True X Confessions?
It's True Mom Confessions.


If you like it, please link to it. I'll return the favor.

Anonymous said...

I adore your blog. Sigh, I do have to admit that I found erie parrallels bewteen I and your wife. It is like my husbands gaze has been give words. After reading your blog I showed it to my husband to let him know that he is not alone. Thanks and keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

i miss you!

come back!